Tuesday, December 2, 2008

CrazY bOy

Here are some pics of my crazy boy.

We went to Boise on the Saturday after thanksgiving for my cousin's report. Can you pick out the return missionary?

We can go forward..HOORAY!!

So Seth finally learned to go forward. He has been going backwards for quite sometime now and forward if definitely the way to go. Our Thanksgiving was great. I made these amazing rolls. And Seth loved his mashed potatoes and gravy and pumpkin and lemon pies. What a great time.

Way behind

Ok, so I am way behind and have been chastised by multiple people so here we go...

Halloween was a good time. We got many complements on Seth's costume.

I think that he is way cuter than the model on the bag. I was a special plant that only monkey's like and those aren't bruises, but flowers that I drew and colored on my face.

Seth is so handsome and I just can't get enough of him.